Madison, Wisconsin is just…different. You won’t find another place like it. Everyone here has a story of being somewhere in the world and finding people in obscure locations who have some connection to this city.
Forward Madison FC is an extension of the shared, Madisonian belief that community is built brick by brick and day by day with inclusion, transparency, and a communal desire to provide the best quality of life for all. We believe that sport, especially soccer/football, can be a vehicle for this.
Our home is Breese Stevens Field. The historic stadium has been a meeting point for the people of this city since its construction in 1926. While our work in Madison takes place 24/7/365, match nights at Breese are a celebration of our community. Come to a match and you’ll be able to find people from every walk of life and background, joining together in a common purpose and goal.
Our players are the most visible aspect of the club, and hail from all corners of the world. They are expected to fight for championships on the field, and are held to a high standard of community engagement and behavior off the field. When they put on the pink and blue shirt with the Forward Madison flamingo crest over the heart, they carry the responsibility to represent our city and every one of our fans, wherever they may be.
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