Kristen Nelson’s smile and laugh can light up any room. A Director of Marketing for CliftonLarsonAllen (CLA) in Madison, Kristen has the innate ability to brighten the conversation with an unbridled joy that is truly one-of-a-kind. But how is Madison so lucky to have Kristen?
“I started out working in Washington D.C., traveling all over the world working on international development projects,” Kristen said. “My husband got a job in Wisconsin and we moved here. I couldn’t do what I was doing before, so I found another job and worked part-time for 18 years while raising my kids. I’ve been in Madison now for 25 years.”
After moving to the Madison area, Kristen took it upon herself to get involved in her new community. Through her sons’ love of sports, she found involvement and acceptance in the local soccer scene. “Soccer’s been part of [my life] since day one. My husband’s a crazy soccer fan and both of my kids have played soccer. I went to all those games because I either gave birth to the person playing or I’m married to the person playing.”
Kristen and her family have been involved with Capital East Soccer Club, Madison FC, and the Madison 56ers. While Kristen has been a long-time supporter of her family’s soccer endeavors, she didn’t truly embrace the sport as her own until Forward Madison came into existence. “My first Forward game, it’s raining and miserable out. I had my biggest coat on, sat in our seats at midfield, and had one of the best nights of my life. It was just so electrifying. I saw the people singing down at the end, so I ended up going down there with them.”
The people singing and waving the flags were Forward Madison’s supporter group, The Flock. After Kristen’s initial exposure to the group, she was hooked. “They’re just the most welcoming, amazing group of soccer aficionados. After singing with them at the match, I was on a high for a whole week! That night, it was like a switch flipped for me. Breese, the soccer, the team, everything was just amazing. I found my soccer team.”
Kristen chalks up her love affair with the Flamingos due to the environment the club strives to foster on a daily basis. “I think this club is like a microcosm of what we want Madison to be. It’s that anyone can come and anyone is welcome. It’s entrenched in the community from our downtown location and extends out by reaching local soccer clubs, local schools, and all the different supporters groups within the Flock.”
With the start of the season only two months away, Kristen is looking to help welcome new and returning Forward Madison fans to the friendly confines of Breese Stevens Field. “I would invite anyone to come out for a game, it’s so much fun and welcoming. You can sit and watch all the soccer and understand the technical stuff, or you can go down to the Flock end and sing your heart out or get some food. There’s something for everyone.”
Kristen has her eyes on the prize this year, hoping Forward Madison makes a deep run in the playoffs and contends for a championship. But more importantly for her, Kristen’s looking for the 2022 squad to continue to have a tangible, positive impact in Madison. “I appreciate how accessible the players are to the community. Just seeing them go by at the end of every match, giving every kid that’s there a high five or interacting with the fans on the board give me so much joy. It’s amazing to see how the team embraces Madison, especially the youth of Madison.”
Kristen’s a force to be reckoned with in the Flock end during home matches. You won’t miss her as she cheers on the ‘Mingos, arms raised singing “VAMOS LOS FLAMINGOS” at the top of her lungs. Because for Kristen, it’s more than a game. “It’s my church. I can’t wait to get back to it.”